Friday, September 13, 2013

Five on Friday Link Up


One: My dad is visiting this weekend. I love when my dad visits because he fixes all the things that are broken that my husband hasn't gotten to on his honey-do-list. However, the down side is that my nick name for him is Willy Wonka because he loves sweets and foods that are bad for me. Ill probably gain 10 lbs this weekend.

Two: I joined a diet bet and have yet to weigh myself or really exercised. Im pretty sure I am going to lose the diet bet (reference above).

Three: My new Polar Watch arrived so I hope to join Amber @craftyhealthymommy in her Get your Shit Together Sept.

Four: The monkey has been sick for the last week and its still lingering. She was even kind enough to share with daddy. Looks like a low key weekend with lost of snuggles and Netflix in my future.

Five: Ever since we got the sprinkler system fixed our grass is growing like crazy. I literally need to mow it every weekend or its out of control. Good thing mowing is a great workout and I have GYSTS to motivate me.

(this makes me giggle, cause its so true)

Do you have any great plans this weekend? Hopefully, I can catch up on some of my Dvr'd shows. Being a mommy, working, and school has seriously put a dent in catching up on my shows.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Throw Cupcakes at Skinny Chicks!

Hello Everyone and thank you for taking the time to read my blog!!!

This is my first blog so bear with me as I get the gist of things, any suggestion are very welcomed!

The other night I went out to dinner with the Hubby and I saw this on a car.

Ya, that pretty much sums up how I feel about skinny chicks!
Just Kidding!!! I really don't feel that way but it  is a funny way of expressing the struggles of trying to lose weight!
Back in April I started on a fitness journey. I didn't want amazing instant results I really just wanted to get to a healthier happier me. I decided to not go with any fads, "diets", or quick fixes. I was just going to eat cleaner and work out. I did this consistently and dropped about 30 lbs! I was so excited and then summer came...........
Holy shit balls summer in Phoenix is hot!
I was waking up at 5 am just so I could walk in 90 degree weather then I was trying to walk on my lunch but it got to the point that I was about to throw up after walking a 1/3 of a mile. So I got a little off track and then I got sick and got way off track.
I've been waiting for something to get me back on track and today I got  good news. My job is now going to start reimbursing a portion of the gym fees but in order to qualify you have to go at least 12 times a month.
Well guess who will be at the gym every day for the rest of this month for free money...... yup this cheap skate girl will be there!!
Hopefully this will break me of my workout slump!
Stay tune for more on the blog!